Roll Over Beethoven - E.L.O.

貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven),我們稱之為「樂聖」,他是古典音樂的代表性人物。而當搖滾樂興起時,「貝多芬」就成為年輕的樂手和歌迷們所欲「推翻」的對象——並不是因為貝多芬很「顧人怨」,而是這個名字所象徵的意義。

Chuck Berry 先開砲

Chuck Berry 在 1955 年寫下,並灌錄了這首 "Roll Over Beethoven",這是一種宣示,宣告舊的音樂、舊的偶像即將被取代,新的節奏藍調將要取而代之。這首歌獲得美國排行第 29 名。


可能因為美國古典音樂的根基還不夠深厚,使得這首歌的歌名,顯不出其顛覆、叛逆的個性。在英國,這首歌的知名度就比較高,據說,披頭四(Beatles)還曾考慮用 Roll Over Beethoven 來當成團名。而且不常翻唱他人作品的 Beatles,不僅翻唱了這首歌,還發行成單曲,在美國最高名次是第 68 名。


上面兩個版本,都是單純的搖滾樂曲。1973 年,英國前衛搖滾樂團「電光合唱團」(Electric Light Orchestra),也翻唱了這首歌。他們的版本,在歌曲的前奏和間奏,都加入了貝多芬第 5 號交響曲(命運)第一樂章的旋律,使得這首歌曲,成為一首古典樂與搖滾樂對話、融合的佳作。


Roll Over Beethoven

Gonna write a little letter gonna mail it to me local d.j.
Its a jumpin little record I want my jockey to play
Roll over beethoven, gotta hear it again today

My temperatures risin, the juke boxs blowin a fuse
My hearts beatin a rhythm, singin out rhythm and blues
Roll over beethoven, they're rockin in two by two

Well if you feel you like it, go get your lover and reel and rock it
Roll it over and move on up now, go for cover and reel and rock it
Roll it over, roll over beethoven, tell tchaikovsky the news

Early in the mornin Im a givin you the warnin,
Don't you step on my blue suede shoes
Hey diddle diddle gonna play my fiddle,
I aint got nothing to lose
Roll over beethoven, tell tchaikovsky the news

She wiggles like a glow-worm, dances like a spinning top
She got a crazy partner, you should have seen her reel and rock
Long as she got a dime, the music will never stop

Well if you feel you like it, go get your lover and reel and rock it
Roll it over and move on up now, go for cover and reel and rock it
Roll it over, roll over beethoven, dig these rhythm and blues

Roll over beethoven, roll over beethoven,
Roll over beethoven, roll over beethoven,
Roll over beethoven, dig these rhythm and blues?

E.L.O. 的版本,最高名次是第 42 名。我記得小時候,常聽人家提起這首歌;但近年來,知道這首歌的人好似越來越少了。或許,我也只是因為歌名有「貝多芬」,才印象特別深刻吧?




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