Most of All You - Love Theme from “Major League"
這是 1989 年棒球搞笑電影《大聯盟》(Major League)的一首插曲,是劇中湯姆.貝林傑(Tom Berenger)和蕾妮.羅素(Rene Russo)兩人所飾角色的愛情主題音樂。
演唱的版本,電影中只出現一小段,於 Tom Berenger 駕「牛棚車」追蹤到 Rene Russo 家中時播出。雖然這部電影,最被一般人所熟知的,是查理.辛(Charlie Sheen)角色的出場音樂 "Wild Thing",但我個人卻特別鍾愛這首抒情動聽的插曲。
演唱者是「正義兄弟」(The Righteous Brothers)的 Bill Medley,他的前一首電影歌曲 "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" (from "Dirty Dancing", 《熱舞十七》,請見「下流的熱舞 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life」),以及後來老歌重發的 "Unchained Melody" (from "Ghost", 《第六感生死戀》),在 80 年代末期都造成轟動,而這首夾在中間的 "Most of All You" 卻幾乎無人知曉。
我個人為了找尋收錄有這首歌的電影原聲帶 CD,曾費盡不少心力,還託朋友去美國時幫忙尋找,可惜最後還是徒勞無獲。這張 CD 已經絕版多時,未來再發行的機會也相當渺茫,大概只能透過影片的 DVD 來欣賞了(此曲片中只出現一小段,但片尾 Ending Credit 時,倒是有播出完整版)。
以下是我從影片中剪下的。我沒有花太多心思去計算時間、配合畫面,只是抓幾個片段,湊足歌曲長度而已, 算是非常簡陋的 Music Video。
Most of All You
(Written by James Newton Howard, Alan Bergman & Marilyn Bergman)
(Performed by Bill Medley)
Woke up one day,
What did I find?
Holes in my pockets,
Memories on my mind.
So many things
I lost on the way,
But most of all you...
Pennies and dreams
Carelessly spent,
Pieces of time
And who knows where they went?
Is there a chance
to pick up the pieces
And try for it all again?Sometimes you're just so busy runnin',
Runnin' round in circles,
You never see you're goin' nowhere.
Sometimes you get so tired chasin',
Chasin' after rainbows,
You look around your life
And find no one's there.No one's there...
No one's there...
Guess there's a time
Everyone sees
They may have missed
The forest for the trees.
How could I let
The best things go by?
And most of all you...
You knew me better
Oh, than I knew myself.
Somehow you always knew
There'd come a day
I'd throw my toys away.
I was a fool,
Travelin' so far,
Only to find
That home is where you are.
You are the way there.
Just let me stay there.
I'll have it all
If most of all there's you.