Return to Pooh Corner - Kenny Loggins 的小熊維尼之歌

這篇是很久以前寫的,剛才不小心又在 YouTube 看到了幾段音樂影帶,就把舊文找出來,加上圖和連結一併介紹。

逛唱片行的時候,看到一張 Kenny Loggins 的專輯,名曰《重回天真童夢II》("More Songs from Pooh Corner")。這張專輯我沒有,但第一集 "Return to Pooh Corner" 發行於1994年,多年來一直是我很喜歡的一張專輯。

About the Book : House at Pooh Corner

Disney: Winnie the Pooh 1920年代有個英國作家 A. A. Milne,早期以寫作童詩聞名,在1926年時,他以他兒子 Christopher Robin 為主角,寫了一本小孩與其動物玩偶的冒險故事,書名叫做 "Winnie-the-Pooh"。這本書造成轟動後,同樣的主題他又寫了 "House at Pooh Corner",一樣大受歡迎。這兩本書被視為是兒童文學中的名著。

1966 年時,華德‧狄斯奈(Walt Disney,現在都改叫「迪士尼」了)把這個故事帶進了他的卡通王國,成了現在眾所週知的「小熊維尼」。

About the Song : House at Pooh Corner

生於1947年的 Kenny Loggins,從小就拜讀過 "Winnie-the-Pooh" 系列小說,對這個故事十分著迷。在他高中畢業的那一年(1966年),他幻想自己在森林裡與 Christopher RobinWinnie the PoohEeyoreOwl 等書中角色一同玩耍,並以書名為歌名寫成了一首童趣十足的歌 "House at Pooh Corner"。他表示,這首歌是他告別童真的作品。

"House at Pooh Corner" 在1971年時被鄉村/民謠樂團 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band 唱進排行榜,名列第53名,而 Kenny Loggins 也在這一年和 Jim Messina 組成二重唱闖蕩樂壇,後於70年代晚期單飛,唱過不少知名的歌曲。

Kenny Loggins & Jim Messina 的現場演唱版本。

About RETURN to Pooh Corner

Return to Pooh Corner - CD Cover 1994年,在 Kenny Loggins 寫下 "House at Pooh Corner" 後的28年,他已是四個小孩的父親,此時他發現坊間的一些兒歌唱片,大部分都是大人聽不入耳的,於是他打定主意要錄一張讓親子可以一同欣賞的「家庭專輯」。

在成為人父之後,Kenny Loggins 對人生有完全不同的體驗,他重新肯定家庭和親人的價值,珍惜每一個與家人相處的機會,並從小孩身上尋回失去已久的童真,他將這種心情融入舊作 "House at Pooh Corner" 之中,改寫成 "Return to Pooh Corner" 這首歌,並以此為這張「家庭專輯」的名稱。

"Return to Pooh Corner" 和原作不同的地方,只在於多加了一段歌詞,同時請到了 Amy Grant 與他合唱。而專輯裡他還唱了很多童謠似的歌(歌名中盡是像Pony、Rainbow、Comet、Unicorn、Horse等詞),其他不像童謠的曲目,我只認得 "Somewhere Out There" 和 "Love"(John Lennon 寫的那首)。整張專輯 Kenny Loggins 以誠摯、清新的方式演唱,是張聽起來很舒服的專輯。

我沒聽過 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band 唱進排行的 "House at Pooh Corner",手邊倒是有 Loggins and Messina 演唱的版本。我比較喜歡重唱的 "Return to Pooh Corner"。

YouTube 上網友為 Kenny Loggins 專輯演唱版本配圖的 MV:

(Kenny Loggins 的現場演唱 acoustic 版本,請見:這裡



Christopher Robin and I walked along
Under branches lit up by the moon
Posing our questions to Owl and Eeyore
As our days disappeared all too soon
But I've wandered much further today than I should
And I can't seem to find my way back to the wood

So help me if you can
I've got to get back to
The House at Pooh Corner by one
You'd be surprised
There's so much to be done
Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky (Chase the clouds away)
Back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh

Winnie the Pooh doesn't know what to do
Got a honey jar stuck on his nose
He came to me asking help and advice
And from here no one knows where he goes
So I sent him to ask of the Owl if he's there
How to loosen a jar from the nose of a bear

Help me if you can
I've got to get back to
The House at Pooh Corner by one
You'd be surprised
There's so much to be done
Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky (Chase the clouds away)
Back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh

*It's hard to explain
How a few precious things
Seem to follow throughout all our lives
After all's said and done
I was watching my son
Sleeping there with my bear by his side
So I tucked him in
I kissed him and as I was going
I swear that old bear whispered
"Boy welcome home !" *

Believe me if you can
I've finally come back to
The House at Pooh Corner by one
What do you know there's so much to be done
Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky (Chase the clouds away)
Back to the days of Christopher Robin (Back to the days)
Back to the ways of Christopher Robin (Back to the ways)
Back to the days of Pooh
Ooh ooh ooh oohooh
Ooh ooh ooh oohooh

星號*部份為 Return to Pooh Corner 新加的歌詞。




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